Illinois Geothermal Coalition



Project Information:

Illinois Geothermal Coalition Technical and Outreach Program

Awarded to: Illinois State Geological Survey

Principal InvestigatorAndrew Stumpf


– Tugce Baser, assistant professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

–  Nancy Ouedraogo, Extension specialist, Illinois Extension

–  Jay Solomon, Extension educator, Illinois Extension


–  Mohamed Attalla, executive director, Facilities & Services

–  John Freitag, executive director, Geothermal Alliance of Illinois (GAOI)

–  Frank Holcomb, associate director, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Champaign, Illinois

–  Madhu Khanna, interim director, Institute of Sustainability, Energy & Environment (iSEE)

–  Yu-Feng Lin, director, Illinois Water Resource Center

–  Scott Tess, sustainability and resilience officer, City of Urbana

–  Steve Whittaker, director, Energy and Minerals, Illinois State Geological Survey

As Illinois moves towards achieving its commitment of converting all energy systems to running on 100% renewable energy by 2050, it is recognized that other renewable energy sources besides solar and wind energy, including geothermal energy, will be needed to meet the state’s future energy demands. This project will develop a technical, outreach and education program that supports wider adoption of geothermal energy systems and disseminates information to decision-makers and public stakeholders about the potential economic, energy efficiency, and environmental benefits to the residents of Illinois. An interactive dashboard will be developed that provides technical data and explanatory information to the geothermal industry and government organizations. In addition, a decision support tool will be programed to assist decision-makers and public stakeholders in identifying how geothermal energy can be implemented successfully in long-term solutions. The project will involve a coordinated statewide education and outreach program that introduces all aspects of geothermal energy pertinent to Illinois and provides a venue to discuss potential benefits to the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.

Extension Collaboration GEOTHERMAL Grant Project Year One Progress Presentation